About Us
Our History
MyCarExpression was born out of the need to allow you to conveniently express your passions, regarding the different topics in your lives, as often as you choose. We felt if you had many interests or hobbies or passions you were limited to selecting only one or two bumper stickers or stick figures otherwise you would turn your car into a billboard of bumper stickers and window figures. We wanted a way to allow you to change your expression as often as you see fit and not sacrifice the aesthetics of your car.
Of course we all are familiar with the old fashioned bumper sticker. Once you stuck it on your bumper, there it remained. You could not remove it and then reuse it. With VYVE you can!
We are all familiar with what was the next generation of expressing your interest; stick figures on windows. Here too, you were limited in space and could not reuse the sticker image if removed. Again, with VYVE you can!

Our Vision/Mission
Gone are the days of bumper stickers and window figures. VYVE is the new way to express yourself with the option of changing that message as often as you desire ! Imagine a ; Holiday, Political, Sports, or Hobby sticker you can display any time during the year. As the months pass and new events arrive or goals achieved your VYVE can help celebrate the event and tell the world.
You can remove one VYVE and replace it with a VYVE celebrating a specific occasion and then change back to the original VYVE ! This is an excellent way to show how proud you are of friends or family as they achieve goals or pass milestones . It is also easy to show your support for a cause you love.
We have customized hundreds of stickers for your VYVE and are adding more each month. We are driven to offer you a VYVE that will withstand the elements of wind, rain, salt, sun, and vibration. The quality of our stickers can not be beat. Your VYVE is made from a pressure mold injected process that produces a VYVE that will last for years and retain its color and shape.
Browse through our selection. Pick VYVEs that express who you are and begin showing the world what you love.
Our Team
Tom Portuallo
Ariel Gonzalez
Jennifer Altschuler
Director of Administration
Thomas Mercer
Director of Sales
Brian Fralick
IT Manager